On Your Team, 'always' There For You.
At Pechman Imaging we have always clearly understood that our reputation has been and still is our most important asset, built on quality products and top notch service.
We recognize that professional photographers need a lab with the resources to produce high quality products, on time, everytime, without exception.
Yes, you can have both high quality and low prices--we have proved that fact. Challenge us to prove it to you.
To provide the “Pro” with an added advantage, we offer an individualized consulting service that includes advanced camera skills and business planning, so our accounts can stay ahead of the competition. Plus the bonus of helpful Ezines, Photography Tips Blog & Guru advice.
No lab can enjoy the continued success that we have had for over 65 years without superb customer service. We have real people answering the phones to provide you with the fast service needed to answer all your questions. All photographers are valuable to us. No studio is too big or too small.
We at Pechman Imaging guarantee that you will never get lost in the crowd or become a “number.”
Welcome aboard!