About StevePPI

US Navy photographer, portrait studio owner, professional photo lab consultant, mentor, coach, father, husband, friend.

Bundle or Packages, The Best Photo Studio Marketing Idea of 2013

Photo Packages, an old term but still a highly recommended method for presenting professional photo studio services and products. Photo packages are more important today than at anytime in the past. The only thing you need to change is the term, try the newer term of Bundles. Bundling is all over the current wave of auction and antique picking shows. They like it for giving the idea of greater value. You can use the same idea for your photo services. Bundling several print sizes from various poses along with finishes and frames can easily get your customer to your sales goal and for them to be happy with your great photography and feel like they received a great deal saving a bunch of money.

So just remember, bundling is the new packages and the best way to lead clients into the studios sales goals. Failing or refusing to sell products in addition to any posing fees will not provide the income needed to have a full time photography career.

You should have at least 3 but no more than 5 picture bundles available. Have one or two ‘Bonus Gifts’ or ‘Options’ you can add to any of your ‘Photo Bundles’ for some reason. The reason can be anything you like to help sales and reward your customer. The Bonus can be a desirable product at a special reduced price. This setup will allow you to include something extra that is desirable to your client for little cost to you.

Professional Photography Profits Soar

Now is the perfect time to begin making your marketing and sales call plans. Dance schools come to mind as a top priority. Communion children portraits should be on your list. Any sports league you can contact and begin or renew dialog with is essential. A time and business management technique that is important here is to first recognize you need to make these sales calls. Since you are reading this it seems you are considering the assignment. You next step to ensure you actually follow through with the task is to go to your appointment calendar and schedule days for the sales calls and also days to plan your calls. Actually make the appointment for yourself on your schedule. If you do not do this step very likely you will put it off and never make the calls resulting in lost sales.

In all of these meetings you want to explain your services in a manner that shows how they benefit the group or group leaders. You are making their jobs easier, less stress, no hassle or phone calls or texts from angry parents. Of course the pictures are great, you have excellent customer service and follow through. Your customers are happy and satisfied with your service and products and they routinely express their positive experience to those who selected you.

When you are looking for the names and contact information for those in charge of groups be sure to ask all your friends, family and clients if they know of anyone on a committee or if they know someone who might know someone. Ask everyone this same question, do you know of someone in charge or someone else who might know. Ask them also on their advice on how to proceed, what is important to talk about, what parents are wanting. People like to be empowered and like to help others and being asked for their opinion tells them you feel they are valuable and important. Be sure to listen carefully and take notes, yeah write the stuff down. This truly shows people you value what they are saying. Plus it helps you remember the details, phone, email, names and dates you were given. Ask if you could use their name when you follow through with this recommended contact.

Speaking of notes, keep a notebook or computer file with contact date history, names of those contacted and a summary of what was discussed. Keys to list are what you intended to talk about, what you found out and finally what you plan to do next. Now go to your calendar and schedule your next sales step with this contact.

If you need a coach to help you with organizing your sales calls contact Pechman Customer Service for a referral to a sales pro who can explain these ideas or answer a specific question concerning the sales process you may have.

Jeweler Teaches Photo Marketing

SB Atkins Photo ©2011

Family Photo

I just heard a radio commercial for local jeweler. They were explaining that the cut of the diamond makes a big deal in the look of the diamond. They went on to invite people into their store to see a side by side demo of this they have available.

Professional photographers can use the same technique to demonstrate to clients the differences between professional and consumer photography and print quality.

Your basic display should have three prints.

1. Show a camera phone picture taken in the style as a consumer would take, no lighting, flat dull posing and poor clothing selections.

2. Take the same group, better clothing choices, adjust pose for better lighting, arrange group in pleasing composition. Large people in back or center, covered slightly with smaller people, you know the techniques. Have great color, tones, focus and definitely a top notch professional photo print on display next to the drug store made camera phone print.

3. Good idea to have your pro print also printed at drug store. Be sure the drug store does not do a great job.

When showing this display do not have a smug or condescending attitude as you point out the differences. Explain the clothing consultation was a discussion you had with your client and some suggestions that the family went back to their closet and made some additional choices. Do not suggest they had to go to a store and buy new clothes. Your amazing photos are the result of professional training, experience and taking the time to discuss some important details that contribute to make the very best memorable photograph that everyone is proud to own.

Get social media exposure telling everyone you have this available, be sure to mention the display during phone calls and always show and get comments to anyone visiting your studio.

Wall Portraits Alive And Well

I saw at my 2nd cousin’s house this weekend evidence that displaying wall portraits is very much still “alive and well” with the younger generation. Heather and Peter are in their mid 20′s, finished college and just had their first child.

On their family room wall, proudly displayed was a 30×40 collage style mat filled with multiple professional 8×10 and 5×7 family images. Background color was a brownish mat with cut outs for prints in a thin metal frame, no glass. They must have purchased it at Michael’s. Also saw professional baby pictures as 8×10′s in paper easels on end tables. As a young family in a difficult economy, they still managed to find a way to display their prints within a limited budget.

Again, what I saw was a host of pictures, not just one print or two displayed as “hard copy.” There was a lap top computer sitting on the table. No one said, ”Let’s gather around to see our pictures on the lap top.” Also on the coffee table was their wedding photo album proudly displayed for all to view.

So what is my point? Traditional portrait values are still very much present in professional photography. Plenty of clients still want hard copy professional photo prints. Far too many professional photographers are psyching themselves out to believe the contrary. Middle class families can still afford a $25,000 automobile. Are auto dealerships’ lots flooded with $14,000 cars thinking that is all the public can afford? No! The general public wants value though. The “value concept” is what professional photographers need to concentrate on and provide that: great posing, composition, lighting and price-packaging for variety. Auto dealerships could never survive selling entry level $14,000 cars nor can you and the portrait industry survive by selling “shoot & burn CDs” alone.

Decorating With Portraits

Browse more than 600,000 photos from top wall décor designers. This site should more than convince those photographers out there “consumers don’t want bare walls” in their new homes, and they want photos on their walls too. Minimalism (bare walls) is not the in thing. People who want bare walls have no imagination. Most people do decorate with photos and art. Please, check out this website and see how USA home owners decorate their walls; yes, with portraiture too.

We have included other links to give you ideas on using portraiture for wall décor. Pottery Barn illustrates how to decorated with their frames. As you view their sample walls one can easily visualize how to decorate a wall with smaller prints and frames. Once you customers see what can be accomplished with your portraits they will purchase professional photo prints, but you most likely will have to show them how. Even a mom with a senior can easily decorate a wall without going over budget. Again, you must plant the idea in mom’s mind.

Family portraiture can take on a whole new venue once mom sees how you can transfer a simple wall into a family wall “icon” that is decorative yet still  tastefully showcases her family. Family portraiture no longer has to be about a large single print hanging on the wall. Cluster framing just might be another solution for those moms who cannot image a large print on their wall. Years later the framed cluster can be separated into subsets or distributed individually throughout the house. Possibilities are endless. But you must first sell the idea and then let mom’s imagination take over. If you don’t want to sell frames, simply direct them to Pottery Barn, Michael’s, etc.

Drop Shipping Helps Grow Photo Sales and Profits

Selling photo products to relatives across the country creates numerous sales opportunities for your studio.  As you begin photographing for the holiday season, keep in mind that Pechman Imaging offers drop shipping via the ‘alternate ship address’ option in ROES. This makes ordering and delivering professional photo prints and greeting cards more convenient and more profitable.

Some ideas on how drop shipping can help grow your portrait studio sales:
Take advantage of upcoming family gatherings to offer large family sittings. Offer picture greeting card specials – photograph large family groups, break the group down into smaller groups, send them proof sheets with the best pose and a simple order form.

Drop shipping allows you to get products into the hands of clients quicker.  As the holiday approaches and you photograph people from out of town, drop shipping allows you to eliminate work and add convenience to your service. Offering this service and passing it through to your client is common practice in retail and the market has come to expect it.  Thus, while offering drop shipping as an inexpensive service, the opportunity to pass along the cost is an acceptable business practice – thus you increase your sales and not your costs.

Photo Proof Books Destroy The Smartphone

Photo proof books should destroy the smartphone. Likely not for awhile but eventually Mom’s will start to realize the flashy phone isn’t as warm and fuzzy as a classic proof book.

Everyone wins with hard copy photo proof books. The recent trend in sharing pictures of your family when you are with friends is the ubiquitous smart phone. (Been trying to use that word for a couple weeks now)

A classic printed proof book with high quality photo prints can be touched, held and cherished. The feel of the proof book gives an intimacy with your family not possible with the cold electronic format.

The classic printed proof book provides your children with a strong sense of belonging and family stability not possible with the fleeting, here today, gone tomorrow characteristic of the electronic medium.

Professional photographers win with classic printed brag proof books through the increased sale and the continued happy customer who each time they share their kids with friends using their proof book will be thanking you time and time again.

Pechman Professional Photo Lab has several proof book styles available at economical prices.

How To Optimize Your Photography Website

As a wedding professional, you want to make sure that your website or blog does the best possible job of speaking for you. Your website is your front lobby and it must act as a virtual receptionist. Many articles discuss web site “optimization” the art of getting your site ranked on the search engines. Equally important is optimizing your site so visitors will take action and either pick up the phone to schedule an appointment with you, or send you an email.

Here are some suggestions:

Start with a Home Page that is visually appealing and resonates with your bridal audience. Feature photographs that show the spontaneity of the wedding day. They should be the fun, candids of the day. You don’t need a lot – maybe 3 to 5.

Include a few carefully chosen words to make the best introductory impression. Focus this statement on them and the emotional benefits they will receive. Also, clearly showing your contact information and the areas you service is very important.

Provide some video client testimonials.

Offer a bonus gift or information for their first meeting in your “Call To Action” Contact Link.

Have an About Us Page that reveals who you are. Create a virtual rapport with your potential client by including a photo of yourself, even better; include a photo of yourself in the act of working with a client. In the brief text, discuss the high quality service you provide and a little history about yourself and your company.

Clients are searching for a photographer at this early point in their wedding planning and are looking for someone who they can be comfortable with, someone that can capture the fun and excitement of the day. Include testimonials from the bride and groom featured in those photographs. A link to a video snippet interview would be good to use. Let your clients tell their story about how great of a photographer you are and how easy and fun you are to work with. Nothing convinces people to make a decision more than hearing the words of commendation from their fellow peers – people that have been through it before and have been satisfied with the result.

Encourage a get together with both the bride and groom at a time that’s convenient for them. Let them know that this is a meeting to help all of you get to know each other better. Let them also know that you have several resources that they are welcomed to and could really facilitate their planning needs and you’re happy to share those resources with them at that first meeting.

The point we’re trying to make here is this. The first contact with today’s wedding client should never be about you – it should always be about them. Once a client feels that they are important to you as a person and not just another booking the door is opened to talk about yourself, your passion for your art, and how much you’ll enjoy working with them.

Also, showing fun, spontaneous photographs will speak to their heart and soul because that’s exactly what they’re looking for in their wedding photography. And, your customer testimonials will help seal the deal on getting them to come in and talk with you.

In the wedding industry, every year is a rebirth. You cannot rest on the laurels of satisfying customers and hoping for referrals. Even when someone recommends your company to another engaged couple, if your website and blog are not up to par, you can turn them off before you even have the chance to meet them. In this day of technology and online communication, it is vital that your website not only does your talking for you, but also makes you look good, and allows your prospective client to connect with you in as easy a manner as is possible.

The Real Magic Bullet In Marketing Your Professional Photography Business

The Real Magic Bullet in Marketing your professional portrait photography business today is YOU. Your Personality, Skills, Energy, Consistency, Persistence, Enthusiasm, Friends and Faith are the keys. Show how you are different not just claiming to be better.

Budget some time in your calendar for making contacts with potential and previous customers. Ask about new opportunities and suggest to them some ideas you have been thinking about that will help them in their business or life.

Put your marketing activities in a calendar so you don’t miss opportunities or rush to hit deadlines, causing less-than-wonderful results.

This takes a little thought and effort. Define your “ideal” clients. Consider how best to reach them — where they are, what they see and what will cause them to respond.

Your customers and prospects are constantly changing. Just because someone might have declined an offer previously does not mean they will be  unresponsive today. Some of the best jobs have been landed by just asking one more time after the sales person had almost given up any hope of making the sale work.

A very good example of an open question to ask during your next sales presentation was blogged by Jonathon Fields at FreelanceSwitch

He was contacted to write some hard-hitting marketing copy for a product on extremely short notice. After a short phone discussion he asked this magical question that helped him choose how to differentiate himself with this potential client. “What’s important about the person you choose to do this job?”

Knowing what was important to the client he was able to taylor his response to tie in his unique skills with the requirements of this job.

It is also advisable to find out “What have you budgeted for this project?”

To summarize, an enthusiastic person with amazing professional photography skill in lighting, posing, composition and very importantly personal communication and rapport with the client is the key today. Sell yourself and the emotional benefits to your customers of the services you provide.

Top 5 all Time Senior Picture Marketing Steps Techniques Strategies

  1. Reps or Ambassador Program
  2. Displays
  3. Direct Mail
  4. Word of Mouth – Referral Program
  5. 3rd Party Promotion

Any one of these techniques has generated sessions for senior portrait studios. Combining two or three or better yet all five will produce much better results.

Your Rep program is a key to get things started or the ball rolling. Your reps are the first to pass out info, get on their Facebook or Twitter and talk up the fun of senior pictures and very importantly ‘doing it right’  by having a real pro do the work. I doubt they would trust a friend to mess with their car or give them a hair cut. Since when do they let their friends sew up a new shirt or blouse for them? Your reps help you get a list of names you can send a letter and brochure of your services. This lets the senior know you are serious about their business and that you respect them enough to formally invite them to your studio. Reps are some of the first images of the year you can place on your website, blog and Facebook.

Displays help in a couple of ways. Being accepted to be part of a portrait print display is a big honor and ego boost for the student. They will want to be a part of this. We have written other articles outlining some ideas for portrait print displays and how to get locations to let you show your prints. A key point today with a print display is that is shows to potential customers the value and benefits of having real prints and having them in larger sizes that are enjoyed on a wall for many people to see.

Direct Mail is where you formally invite seniors and their families to visit your studio and discuss senior portraits. Their value and the many styles your can offer them. Show a few examples in your brochure of photography and pricing. Examples, not the entire story. Use the direct mail to drive them to your blog, website for further information. Here you can tell a little more but not everything. Enough to get them to book an appointment or call you to book. Be ready to properly handle this phone call.

Word of Mouth – Referral Program — After you have photographed a student you have a couple of steps you need to do. During and just after the session shoot a few video snippets capturing the student having a great time posing for their pictures. After the session during a sort of debrief you can engage them in a conversation that will get them in their own words to describe their thoughts on how much fun they had and how important they see this is for their family. The very people who have stood by them and loved them their entire life. After all, this photo gift can only be given by the student, they are in control. Use these videos on your blog and Facebook. Have links to these in your emails you send out to future inquiries. When you have students and parents carrying folios or proof brag books and showing them to their friends you should also have a Referral Program. As friends see these proofs they will be impressed and will ask where these portraits were taken. You customer can give this friend one of your referral certificates that offers them some kind of special discount. For every certificate redeemed your original customer gets some kind of thank you bonus. Everyone wins with this approach. You could create an electronic version of this as well. If you provide a couple of Facebook images for your customer to display do it with a request they send links or tweets to all their friends and have the friends also mention your name and special offer. When people call you, you can inquire if they saw you on Facebook or twitter and then give your first customer the bonus credit.

3rd Party Promotions – Here you work with another business to promote to the senior. This other merchant could provide a discount coupon you would include in one of your direct mail packages. Pizza shop, athletic shoe store, fast food restaurant, tux shop are a few places to check out. They could provide space for a portrait print display. You could offer them photo discount coupons they could use in marketing to their customers who purchase some special offer they are promoting.

For any of these techniques, you must have a plan in place in your studio to answer the phone and convert the call into an appointment. (See a previous blog post for a suggested technique) You also need to work on an email response that will convince email inquiries to call your studio or go to your website and book their appointment. Consider some of the styles of emails you receive after visiting a website and requesting some information. Have a series of short emails ready to send to the parents of students or short text messages you can send the student that will convince them they need to act now for senior pictures.